The Sing Happy Mail-out

The focus of our work here at Starling Arts has always been about how singing boosts our wellbeing. It was at the heart of our TEDx Talk on Why the World Needs to Sing, the subject of our Arts Council funded project Celebrating Singing for Wellbeing, and is the message of our single The Voice Inside, released earlier this year.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve noticed how the Choir Leaders’ Network we run on Facebook has come together even more as a community to discuss ideas, share and support each other on the best ways to keep their own groups singing, maintaining the wellbeing of their members during such a difficult time. So we thought we’d launch a new monthly mail-out all about singing and wellbeing, with warm-up ideas, singing exercises and rehearsal inspiration alongside news and offers from Starling Arts and other leaders in the fields of singing and wellbeing.

If you’re a singing leader, choir member, wellbeing practitioner or just someone who loves to sing, then this is the mail-out for you! Sign up for your monthly hit of Sing Happy goodness here.